Transition to a New Life after a Spinal Cord Injury
Our Challenge
Although over the past 50 years there has been much progress in India in giving SCI persons the appropriate skills and equipment to become active members of Indian society, the vast majority of us still do not have access to rehabilitation services that guide us towards our full potential. Our doctors and therapists often have never met someone who is living actively and independently with our condition, and will have little hope and guidance for us after our hospital discharge. Those of us with financial means will likely subject ourselves to dubious and unverified stem cell “treatments” and other fraudulent paralysis cures that abound throughout the country, or otherwise continue to believe that we will never become independent again. If we go home in the devastating wake of a spinal cord injury and cannot achieve functional independence, we will remain unemployed, a burden to our families, trapped in our own homes, and constantly at risk of death from preventable bedsores and other common secondary complications.
ESCIP's Network Of Support
Delhi is a national hub for SCI rehabilitation due to the presence of the Indian Spinal Injury Center and Indian Head Injury Foundation, and ESCIP is therefore able to engage newly-injured persons during mentor and resident visits to these centers and to invite them to be active contributors within our community. Our network consists of 25+ mentors who in turn are points of contact for hundreds of individuals around the country. When an urgent need arises, whether it is a local community member or a distant contact in need of assistance, ESCIP steps in as much as it can. Life-threatening bedsores, surgery fees, broken wheelchairs, job-placement support, and financial assistance for personal care attendants - these are all potential issues for members of our community that we take seriously and call upon our collective resources to address.